Many Drinks Away

Too Many Drinks Away

Over the fourth of July weekend, Donna and family came up, as well as my brother-in-law and his wife. The in-laws arrived Thursday and left Monday morning after I went to work. There were a lot of wine drinkers in the room… for days. Some champagne, too.

When I went to work Monday morning, I didn’t feel hungover, as I didn’t have a headache nor was I dehydrated. But I think along with the anemia problems I have, I had a very difficult time focusing all day. I was very tired and my head was foggy like I get sometimes with the low iron. In the past I worked at home at my own business, so if I wasn’t feeling well, I could take it easy. Working for someone else was different.

I really struggled through the day and was almost embarrassed. I tried to put off answering emails that needed any critical thinking. Everything for me felt “off”.

I felt better by Wednesday, but on Friday my sister-in-law and her husband came for a visit. They stayed at a hotel and had other things to do during the day on Saturday, so the visit wasn’t quite as intense. But they, too, enjoy the red wine.

Before the SIL arrived, I mentioned to my husband that I would be purchasing more wine. I was quite surprised when he asked why I would do that. “We have so much wine!” he said. Did he not see the trash being hauled out the weekend before?

I did much better that second Monday morning, both because I think I my iron was slightly better and also because I had stopped drinking on Sunday (well, except for a mimosa while watching the World Cup on Sunday. Does a mimosa count?).

I haven’t had much to drink since they left because I find that my body has told me enough is enough. I just haven’t felt like it.

This coming Thursday, however, I will be going to Blogher with Donna. We’ve had good times in the past and I figure the will alcohol will be flowing and I’ll quickly get in the mood. And while it will be fun, it won’t be the same as when I’m with family. I guess that’s why we enjoy being around each other so much.

P.S. If you’ve never been wine tasting in the Finger Lakes area of New York, you are missing out on a beautiful area and lovely wines.

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